Monday, October 21, 2019

The Gospel Comes with a House Key - by Rosaria Butterfield

"Radically ordinary hospitality is this: using your Christian home in a daily way that seeks to make strangers neighbors, and neighbors family of God.  It brings glory to God, serves others, and lives out the gospel in word and deed." (pg. 31)

"Failing to discern rightly who we are renders us unable to accurately discern anything we touch, feel, think, or dream.  Failing to discern rightly who we are renders us unable to properly know who God is.  We are truly lost in a darkness of our own making." (pg. 60)

"Because Christian conversation always comes in exchange for the life you once loved, not in addition to it, people have much to lose in coming to Christ - and some people have more to lose than others." (pg. 95)

"Radically ordinary hospitality begins when we remember that God uses us as living epistles and that the openness or inaccessibility of our homes and hearts stands between life and death, victory and defeat, and grace or shame for most people." (pg. 109)

"Grace does not make the hard thing go away; grace illumines the hard thing with eternal meaning and purpose.  Grace gives you company in your affliction, in Christ himself and in the family of God." (pg. 200ff)

"One reason that too many Christians fail to practice ordinary, radical, Christian hospitality is that we have become so duped and distracted by its counterfeit that we don't know what we need." (pg. 216)

"The household that has too much and thinks too highly of material possessions has become seduced by the idols of acquisition and achievement.  If you love acquisition and achievement, you will never practice hospitality." (pg. 216)

Rosaria Butterfield, The Gospel Comes with a House Key (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018)

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