"The practice of godliness is an exercise or discipline that focuses upon God." (pg. 14)
"As we mature in our Christian lives we are increasingly aware of God's holiness and our own sinfulness." (pg. 25)
"True godliness engages our affections and awakens within us a desire to enjoy God's presence and fellowship. It produces a longing for God Himself." (pg. 28)
"...minimum characteristics necessary for training" in godliness: 1) commitment; 2) A competent teacher/coach (Holy Spirit); and, 3) practice. (pg. 34ff)
"...five methods of intake of the Word of God - hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating." (pg. 37ff)
"...we can build Godlike character only upon the foundation of a wholehearted devotion to God." (pg. 54)
"...Devotion to God is the only acceptable motive for actions that are pleasing to God." (pg. 57)
"...The power or enablement for a godly life comes from the risen Christ." (pg. 59)
"...Though the power for godly character comes from Christ, the responsibility for developing and displaying that character is ours." (pg. 61)
"...The development of godly character entails both putting off and putting on character traits." (pg. 63)
"...We are to pursue growth in all of the graces that are considered the fruit of the Spirit." (pg. 65)
"...Growth in all areas is progressive and never finished." (pg. 67)
"We must not treat the Scriptures only as a source of knowledge about God, but also as the expression of His will for our daily lives." (pg. 75)
"The Scriptures repeatedly affirm that the focal point of our joy should be our hope of the eternal inheritance that awaits us in Jesus Christ and the final revelation of His glory." (pg. 116)
"...the most essential elements of holiness. They can be summed up in five words: conviction, commitment, discipline, dependence, and desire." (pg. 123)
"This is where holiness begins: with the knowledge of the truth that renews our minds and enables us to understand how God wants us to live." (pg. 125)
"A conviction is not truly a conviction unless it includes a commitment to live by what we claim to believe." (pg. 125)
"...Self-control is the exercise of inner strength under the direction of sound judgment that enables us to do, think, and say the things that are pleasing to God." (pg. 134)
"...love is a vigorous spirit that rules the whole man, ever directing him to the humble and loving fulfillment of his duties to God and man." (pg. 210)
"...Godlike character is both the fruit of the Spirit as He works within us and the result of our personal efforts." (pg. 211)
Jerry Bridges, The Practice Of Godliness (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1983, 1996)
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